Product Information

  • Country:

  • Serial number:

  • Model:

    MIN 2500 TL-X
    MIN 3000 TL-X
    MIN 3600 TL-X
    MIN 4200 TL-X
    MIN 4600 TL-X
    MIN 5000 TL-X
    MIN 6000 TL-X
    MIN 7000 TL-X
    MIN 8000 TL-X
    MIN 9000 TL-X
    MIN 10000 TL-X
    MIN 2500 TL-XH
    MIN 3000 TL-XH
    MIN 3600 TL-XH
    MIN 4200 TL-XH
    MIN 4600 TL-XH
    MIN 5000 TL-XH
    MIN 6000TL-XH
    SPH3000TL BL-UP
    SPH3600TL BL-UP
    SPH4000TL BL-UP
    SPH4600TL BL-UP
    SPH6000TL BL-UP
    MAX 120KTL3-X LV
    MAX 80KTL3-X LV
    MAX 100KTL3-X LV
    MAX 110KTL3-X LV
    MAX 125KTL3-X LV
    MAX 133KTL3-X LV
    MIC 1500TL-X
    MIC 2000TL-X
    MIC 2500TL-X
    MIC 3000TL-X
    MIC 3300TL-X

User Information

  • Your name:

  • Installation address:

  • Telephone number:

  • E-mail address:

  • Date of installation:

  • Your purchasing invoice No. or
    installation invoice number:

Installer Information

  • Company name:

  • Contact person:

  • Telephone number:

  • E-mail address:

Please translate below:


You have successfully finished the free 10 years warranty extension. We would send you a certificate to the email address filled, please pay attention to it. Thank you.




Serial number found, but it is not under the free warranty extension conditions:

Please check the following:

Free warranty extension is only for the specified models;

Free warranty extension is only started for the models sold after 1, January, 2017;

Free warranty extension is only available within 12 month after it been shipped from Growatt.


Numero di serie trovato, ma non è soggetto alle condizioni di estensione della garanzia gratuite:

Si prega di verificare quanto segue:

L'estensione della garanzia gratuita è valida solo per i modelli specificati;

L'estensione della garanzia gratuita si applica solo ai modelli venduti dopo il 1 ° gennaio 2020.

L'estensione della garanzia gratuita è disponibile solo entro 12 mesi dalla spedizione da Growatt

È possibile presentare una sola domanda di estensione della garanzia.

In caso di problemi o domande, contattare

Inverter Free 10 years Warranty Extension terms and conditions

Dear customer,

Please read the below important information before you proceed.

The standard procedure for free 10 years online warranty extension is:

(1) Customers fill in the required information accordingly and correctly;

(2) Click on “I agree the terms & conditions”,

(3) Click “Submit” to apply, the website would feedback for the extension result. If the serial number is matching, the website would approve and generate a PDF document (name as free 10 years warranty extension certificate), for you to download and save it,or send it to your nominated email address directly. This extension certificate will specify the warranted product, extension warranty valid date and expiry date, terms and conditions, etc.

(4) Please keep this extension certificate document properly, for your future service claims.

Please note, the free extension warranty is only valid for the products installing in its original selling country. Customers are responsible to ensure all the information provided are correctly, real and effective, otherwise, Growatt is authorized not to admit service in the extension period. Especially for any incorrect product information, any incorrect end user/consumer information, incorrect installation address would void the extension warranty.

In addition, in the free warranty extension period, the service is really limited to offering a service replacement ONLY, all other claims are all excepted. Please read the below full Warranty Extension terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions.

For the inverter with this warranty certificate you purchased, you receive a non-transferable extension warranty valid for 10 years from the date of installation and no more than10 and a half years from the delivery date from Growatt New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

This warranty includes defects of design, components and manufacturing. Excluded from warranties are damaging or represents due to:

• Breaking the product seal (opening the casing) without approval;
• Transport damage, or other kind of physical damage, example, damage from falls;
• Failure to observe the user manual, the installation guide, and the maintenance regulations;
• Unauthorized Modifications, changes, or attempted repairs;
• Incorrect installation or commissioning, incorrect use or inappropriate operation;
• Insufficient ventilation of the device; Installation under the direct sun light.
• Failure to observe the applicable safety regulations;
• Defects or non-conformities which are caused by normal wear and tear,
• Force majeure and any other such defects caused by external influences including unusual physical or electrical stress (power failure surges, lightning, flood, fire, storm, accidental breakage);
The warranty does not apply if the obligations and exclusions described above are not complied or not observed.

Warranty condition

A warranty case occurs when the inverter shows a malfunction which no longer enables the intended use.

If a device becomes defective during the agreed Growatt factory warranty period and provided that it will not be impossible or unreasonable, the device will be, as selected at the discretion of Growatt:

• repaired by Growatt, or
• repaired on-site, or
• exchange for a replacement device of equivalent value according to the model and age.

In the latter case, the remainder of the warranty entitlement will be transferred to the replacement device. In this case, you do not receive a new warranty card or certificate since your entitlement is documented at Growatt. In any event, a replacement or repair shall not justify the renewal or new beginning of the warranty period. In the event of the warranted device model is not available in the market anymore, then Growatt, it’s eligible to at its own discretion, replace it with different kind of product with equivalent functions and performances In any event, the installation of the inverter for customer shall be completed within 6 (SIX) months from the date of delivery from Growatt factory.

Excessiveness in the meaning above exists in particular if the cost of the measures for Growatt would be unreasonable
• in view of the value that the device would have without the defect,
• taking into account the significance of the defect, and
• after consideration of alternative workaround possibilities that Growatt customers could revert to without significant inconvenience.

In addition, in the latter 5 years, Growatt have the exclusive right to determine how to carry out the remained warranty. In case Growatt provide replacement for customers, Growatt are not responsible for any other sorts of costs during the service procedure in that period, including (but not limited to) logistics fare, labor cost, freight cost, any kind of compensation. Also the replacement may have a little flaw on its surface, and the warranty excludes any general defects, if inverter is still generating power to grid.

All other claims are excluded. IN NO EVENT SHALL GROWATT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER FOR ANY REASON (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF EQUIPMENT OR LOSS OF REVENUES) , REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL THEORY ON WHICH ANY SUCH CLAIM MAY BE MADE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Claims that go beyond to get a warranty replacement, in particular claims for compensation for direct or indirect losses including (but not limited to) labor cost and other kind of expenditures for carrying out the warranty, logistics fees, loss of electricity profits, etc, are also not covered by this warranty.

Warranty Claim documents

Please report the defective device to your supplier with the required documents. The warranty shall be performed if all of the following conditions are met:

The Warranty Claim Form provided by Growatt was fully filled and signed or stamped.

The 10 years warranty certificate been filed in, and present in its original form.

The original purchase & installation invoice of the device, indicating the date of purchase or installation.

Growatt`s user manual provided with the device has been followed.

The device has consistently been used as intended at all times.

And the warranty condition is not affected by the Exclusion of Warranty stated above.

Please store the warranty certificate in a safe place together with the original purchasing & installation invoice, and other related materials for the warranted device. To determine the warranty entitlement, please submit copies of the warranty claim documents listed in above. Otherwise, Growatt is entitled to refuse warranty services.

Applicable Law

All claims arising from or in connection with this warranty are subject to laws of People’s Republic of China. ShenZhen, China is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this warranty.

Please note Growatt reserve the ultimate explanation right on this warranty card.